A while back, I drew a short two-pager story written by Trina Robbins. It’s a beautiful story but, most importantly, a story that would deeply connect with anyone facing a challenging time locked down at home at this pandemic that got the better of us. A team of over 100 female & non-binary comic book creatives from around the world raising money for female & non-binary comic book retailers who have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic came together to put this anthology, which as our dear editor Shelly Bond often says, out loud; It is a cat and crafts compendium!
Whether you like cats or not or not into crafts alike, I urge you to check it out at GUMROAD; click on the button for purchase, and you can have it for yourself a digital PDF for all of $10 or more.
I am very proud of this book and feel lucky to contribute in some way to the American comic book industry, which was significantly affected. The retailers being hit hard, leading to long-standing-legendary comic book retail shops closing. So, I want it to be more than it has set out to do and if you like to contribute too in your way, please spread the word!
Over 100 female & non-binary comic book creatives from around the world raising money for female & non-binary comic book retailers who have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.